It’s Giveaway Time || Bring Your Own Snappy Name

Posted April 4, 2020 by Sammie in giveaway / 27 Comments

I’ve spent days trying to give this giveaway some sort of catchy name, but I’ve got nothing.

The “End of Times” giveaway seemed a little doom and gloom. The “Practice Social Distancing by Staying at Home and Reading” giveaway is too much of a mouthful, even if it’s good advice. The “Here, Have A Book” giveaway seemed a little too on-the-nose. So what does that leave us with?

In the end, I decided a giveaway doesn’t really need a name, because the important thing is that you get the chance to win a free book.

Bonus points to you, though, if you come up with a really spiffy giveaway name and leave it in the comments. If it’s a good enough name, I might even be inclined to run another giveaway right after this one.

Heart Divider

✦ The Rules ✦

Nobody likes them, but we still need them, since everyone seems to frown on anarchy, for some reason.

✿ Giveaway runs from 4/4/20 – 4/11/20, midnight to midnight EST

✿ Prize is your choice of (1) book (preorder is fine, too) worth $15 or less from Book Depository (for US residents, I’ll also offer the option to get a book $15 or less off Amazon instead, if you prefer)

✿ Open international (wherever Book Depository ships)

✿ Winner will be drawn via Rafflecopter and notified via email

I’m also going to do something I wouldn’t normally do and ask the winner to be patient with shipping. Given everything happening globally, this may impact shipping times, which are beyond all of our control at this point.

Heart Divider

✦ The Giveaway ✦

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Chat With Me

Tell me how you’re holding up. Staying safe? What books are keeping you sane during this time?

27 responses to “It’s Giveaway Time || Bring Your Own Snappy Name

      • Naming is super hard. I can’t name things. Heck, I named my daughter a name I saw on a license plate at 2:00 AM driving out of state, so I can’t even claim that one, either. xD I’m just hopeless when it comes to that lol.

  1. Ooooh, I love a challenge to come up with a catchy name.

    Here are my really poor attempts:
    – The “Give and Run Away” Giveaway
    – “A Book a Day Keeps the Doctor (or Boredom) Away” Giveaway
    – “Enter a New World in a Book” Giveaway

    Ok yeah…yikes, that is hard. But I love this giveaway idea! I should host one too…

    And I’m doing well! Constantly trudging through the swamp that is homework, but that’s a pretty usual school thing. How are you holding up?
    Keri @ Are You My Book? recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: (Belated) Spring 2020 TBRMy Profile

    • It is so horribly hard to come up with good names. I don’t know how other bloggers do it. xD It’s clearly not in me. Can I just start Roman numeraling them, so it looks all fancy and official like the Super Bowl? xD

      You’re still swamped with homework? Are you doing virtual classes now, since I assume you’re shut down? Everything here is mostly business as usual, since everyone in my household is apparently in essential sectors? Debatably. The only addition is now we get to swap off who watches the offspring lol.

      • Ooooh, fancy Roman numerals, I approve 😆

        And I mean, I feel like I’m almost always swamped with homework? Especially now with so little motivation and stir-craziness from being inside, so everything seems to take forever. But yes, my college is doing online classes now.

        And I’m glad it seems like you & your family are able to retain some sense of normalcy! Stay safe & healthy out there!

  2. Calvin

    Haven’t been caught up on the new releases.. Been stressed with everything going on, hope you guys are doing ok.

  3. Megan S.

    Yay! Thank you for such an amazing giveaway 🙂
    One 2020 release I’m super excited for is A Song of Wraiths and Ruin 🙂

    • Whoa. Somehow, I hadn’t heard of that book, but that cover is STUNNING and the book sounds FANTASTIC. Guess that’s another book going on my TBR. Thanks for the rec!

  4. WOOHOO GIVEAWAY! I think I’ll be doing my first Twitter giveaway today as well. I was meant to post it this weekend and then time just ran away from me 😂 Thanks for giving us the chance to win a free book 😍

    • It’s a good time for giveaways, I’ve noticed. xD At least it gives people something to look forward to and something to do lol.

    • That’s totally fair, and I’ve seen several people doing that, too. Guess the world is enough of a bummer that people don’t need something else bringing them down, and I totally understand that! Superhero books for sure sound like fun reads at this point!

  5. Uuuuh! The Giveaway is supercool! Superepic. You should call it “Sammie’s superepic Giveaway”. Or something that makes a cool acronym. Like Sammie’s Overly Nice giveaway. Short S.O.N.G
    Also, that Rafflecopter think confused the heck out of me but nowadays my brain is pretty much fried anyway. I feel constantly either tense or like one of those flummy things from the 90s.
    I just reread all three of the Menagerie books which was good for my soul. Now I’m gonna read Obsidio which will probably destroy me. I make such great decisions.
    tirilu recently posted…Mini-Review “The Menagerie” TrilogyMy Profile

    • Oooh, I like it. Look at you. You are officially my go-to giveaway namer. xD

      Obsidio will probably destroy you. But in a good way. I had so many emotions while reading that, that my feels suffered extreme whiplash haha.

  6. _Sandra_

    Super excited for The Empire of Gold (S. A. Chakraborty), Star Daughter (Shveta Thakrar), These Violent Delights (Chloe Gong), Legendborn (Tracy Deonn).. Obviously can’t pick just one book and definitely could go on with that list..😂

    Thank you for a generous giveaway!!

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