June Recap || Thunder, Feel the Thunder

Posted July 2, 2020 by Sammie in monthly recap / 16 Comments

I’m just going to start by saying that it has been so freaking hot this month that I’m not entirely convinced I’m not currently living in hell.

I mean … that would sure explain a lot, wouldn’t it? Suddenly, everything feels much more normal! World going crazy? Nah. It’s just Hell doing its thing. Nothing to worry about.

I feel like my state has experienced a record number of thunderstorms this month. Have we? Probably not. But my gosh, I’ve almost forgotten what the sun looks like. I vaguely remember it was … warm? Bright? But hey, that could just be the flames around here, so what do I really know?

This Is Fine GIF

So how has June treated me? Well, let’s see.

  • I’m getting more hours at the library starting in July, and I was allowed to place my first book order. I’ve recommended books before, but I’d never been allowed to make a purchase. Something about me buying all the books indiscriminately because they all deserve a home and bookwyrms who will love them. Pshaw. It’s almost like they know me or something. I’ve also attempted to convince my director to just let me live there. It hasn’t worked thus far, but I can feel her defenses weakening. It’s only a matter of time.
  • Speaking of libraries, the war being waged in my home library is still ongoing. Which means that my Instagram has been languishing a bit, because, fun fact, my house was built by the Amish and, by design, it doesn’t get direct natural light anywhere except the library in the evening. On the one hand, it keeps our house cool in the summer, which is nice. Except, you know, if you want to take photographs.
  • That being said, I managed to get ONE of my two new bookshelves into my home library so far! Which is why the war wages on because … well, okay, I didn’t measure before giving my grandfather the dimensions for the bookshelf. So where I was planning on putting them, it kind of covers up the light switch. Oops? So now we basically have to tear the entire library apart, break everything down, and completely move everything so they can go on the OTHER wall next to each other.
  • My grandfather hasn’t been doing great health-wise this month, so if I disappear suddenly or become less active, that’s likely why. He has COPD, and with the humidity and storms and summer, it’s kind of a given that he’s been struggling with it. The dementia’s been getting worse, too, which is really cause for a concern, so I’ve been trying to coordinate with my family (who, unfortunately, lives 900 miles away) to plan out how to safely keep him at home without a 24/7 sitter as long as possible. For the sixth month in a row, he’s informed us he’s dying next month, and at this point, I’ve told him that if he keeps it up, it’s going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. And then he threw a slipper at me, so I’m taking that as a sign that he’s going to be fiiiine.

This month, the bookish things were not great, since I can feel a slump nipping at my heels, but nevertheless, let’s tread onward!

#AmReading Update

Books Read This Month: 10

Hope Island     The Tiger at Midnight     The Archer at Dawn     A Song Below Water     Venators: Promises Forged     Silver in the Wood     Drowned Country     Forest of Souls     This Eternity of Masks and Shadows     Night of the Dragon    

DNFs This Month: 2

The Phantom's Curse     Category Five    

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Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:

✦ Girl with Her Head in a Book airs her ten biggest gripes about Goodreads.

✦ Kery @ Are You My Book gives ten fantastic tips for motivating one’s self to write during a pandemic.

✦ CW @ The Quiet Pond has you covered as far as Pride Month reads, with books with bisexual/pansexual rep, books with gay and M/M rep, and books with sapphic and F/F rep.

✦ Leelynn @ Sometimes Leelynn Reads did the Black Booktuber Tag, with plenty of recommendations of Black books.

✦ For #OwnVoices book bloggers, a new book tour company, Hear Our Voices, has been started by a fabulous group of bloggers with the intent of getting books into #OwnVoices reviewers. So if you have some minority identity, be sure to check it out if you’re interested in maybe being on a blog tour!

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Who knew that what I needed during all this craziness was a little heist-driven action, found family, betrayal, and stabbiness? . … okay, everybody. Everybody knew this, because since when do I read other books? I get it. But hear me out. THE ARCHER AT DAWN was even *better* than the first book (which, don’t get me wrong, was also good). . Let me count the ways: 1. Trust no one. Everyone has secrets. 2. Betrayal is the name of the game. 3. One-upmanship and flirty threatening is fun in romance. 4. Found family is the best family. 5. The banter! So much banter! 6. I DID NOT SEE THAT ENDING COMING. 7. *sobs in the corner* Where’s the next book, please? . Want my full review? Link to my blog is in my description. . #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #books #booklover #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #bookblogger #readersofinstagram #booksofinstagram #instabooks #igreads #booksbooksbooks #booksofig #bibliophile #bookish #bookishlife #thearcheratdawn @jeanbooknerd @katherinetegenbooks

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Stay Fierce, Sammie

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16 responses to “June Recap || Thunder, Feel the Thunder

  1. Sorry to hear about your grandfather, hang in there. I seriously wouldn’t mind a thunderstorm or too, although my poor dog Otis would hate that. I’ve been in maybe 3 thunderstorms my whole life and every one was a huge event, like everyone in the house gathered to “watch” it, lol.
    Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…What’s On My Plate – July 2020My Profile

    • Thanks! Some days are definitely better than others with him at this point. Oh wow, that’s it?! I guess I always lived in areas where thunderstorms were pretty commonplace, though I have to say that they weren’t really a big thing in NY, where I grew up. Down here, though, they know how to do storms. xD Had a massive one overnight the other night where a crack of thunder was so loud, it rattled the whole house and woke everyone up lol.

    • It was! One of the best feelings, for sure. I mean, I love unboxing books in general, so it was an extra nice feeling knowing, hey, the general masses are going to read these because I ordered them. I also already put a note in the one I wanted to read to call dibs on it soon as it’s processed, so that’s always exciting, too. xD

  2. Your bookshelves look great! Just, ya know, never turn off the light! πŸ˜‰ And I’m sorry your grandfather isn’t feeling great. Dementia is such a hard thing. We’ve had several loved ones with different forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s. It’s so hard. We lived for the moments we could laugh. <3 10 books is great! I don't know how you do everything. I hope your July is sunnier!
    Dedra @ A Book Wanderer recently posted…June 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book HaulMy Profile

    • Bwahaha, thanks! I mean, technically, it’s a ceiling fan, so you can just pull the chain and turn it off and never need to use the light switch, but noooo, for some reason, that’s not good enough for hubby. xD

      It’s definitely hard. The only thing you can really do is take it day by day and enjoy the good days. So far, it’s rained EVERY DAY in July. But it’s also 90 and sunny in between the storms. And now I’m not sure which one I should complain about more. xD

    • Thanks! Ordering books is always fun, but it’s a little more fun when you know other people are going to get to read them. xD

  3. Sammie, it has been warm, humid and stormy here in the UK too – In fact, one week, we had 6 almighty thunderstorms! Congratulations on the good news at the library and your grandfather, you and the rest of the family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Happy July reading! πŸ˜€

    My June reading: https://thebookwormchronicles.wordpress.com/2020/06/30/what-i-read-in-june-2020/ πŸ™‚
    jessicabookworm recently posted…Sunday Reflection | 5th July 2020My Profile

  4. Awww, thank you so much for the shout-out! So glad ya loved my writing tips! <3 <3
    Yay for the new bookshelf! And meh, who needs light or a light switch? And congrats on getting to order books at your library!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa! I hope coordinating with your family works out, and I will keep you all in my thoughts.
    Happy reading and hope your July is going well! πŸ˜€
    Keri @ Are You My Book? recently posted…WWW Wednesday: July 8th, 2020My Profile

    • Right? Light is so overrated. It’s hooked to a ceiling fan, so the switch really IS unnecessary, technically. Hubby’s just unreasonable, clearly haha.

      Thank you! So far, it’s gone better than I hoped. xD So there’s that.

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