Characters Who Should Be My BFFs

Posted August 13, 2019 by Sammie in chat with me, top ten tuesdays / 48 Comments

Sometimes you read a book, and you just instantly connect with a character on a spiritual level, and then slightly bemoan existence because they’re not real and what a waste of a perfectly good personality that is.

… or is that just me? I know I’ve done several character posts in the past, like outrageous characters I love and my book doppelgangers and my favorite snarky characters. But the honest truth is, I probably wouldn’t want to be friends with those characters, because as much as I love them, I’d have to destroy them and bury them out back, where all the unruly characters go. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is book characters I’d like to be besties with.

I make absolutely no claims as to the actual potential health of these relationships. Probably, many of these characters would get sick of me so quick, it’d make your head spin, but that’s a risk I’d be willing to take.

Heart Divider


From: A Thousand Perfect Notes by C. G. Drews
Friend Type: Quirky


✿ Fluffy bunch of sarcasm and cheer.
✿ Looks at the world from a unique and fun perspective.
✿ Owns 10,000 fluffies that I can visit and love without having to care for them.
✿ So intense, but in a good, passionate way.
✿ Knows where to find all the best food.
✿ Has awesome parents who totally should adopt me.

‘Can we skip? I need to show Beck outside before he goes.’
‘But it’s dark,’ her mother says.
‘That is quite perfect for what I want to show him.’
Shane shares a mock aghast look with his wife and then slams a hand on the table. Three dogs skid out from under it. ‘Now, young lady, there will be no—’
August covers her face. ‘Please don’t say anything embarrassing to me, Dad. I beg you. I’m showing him the stars. The stars in the sky that God has made. If you embarrass my friend to death I swear I will run away from home and live in Paraguay.’


From: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
Friend Type: Throwing Shade


✿ Clearly a professional at spilling the tea and throwing shade.
✿ Sarcasms on an impressive level.
✿ Obviously would come with Luke, because they will forever be a package in my mind.
✿ Enjoys delightful adventures and isn’t afraid of haunted, creepy places.
✿ Drinks just enough to forget what a bad idea this is.
✿ Super supportive, but will still call you on your bullshit.

“Luke?” It was Theodora, calling outside in the hall. “You carried off one of my stockings last night, and you are a thieving cad, and I hope Mrs. Dudley can hear me.”
Eleanor could hear Luke, faintly, answering; he protested that a gentleman had a right to keep the favors bestowed upon him by a lady, and he was absolutely certain that Mrs. Dudley could hear every word.


From: The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry
Friend Type: Squishy Marshmallow


✿ Is a soft marshmallow that needs love and protection.
✿ Trying to learn to stand up for himself; failing miserably.
✿ Owns a fluffy, little hellhound named Henry.
✿ Could have the best literary debates and discussions.
✿ Knows the best people.
✿ Can bring characters to life by reading them out of books.
✿ Nope, sorry, all other arguments are invalid (see above).

“Let him go.” His voice had that touch of an English accent I’d noticed at odd times since he returned from overseas. “I’m here now. It’s over.”
“With all due respect, Master Charley,” Uriah said, “you were here at the start. I tied you up and put you in a cupboard.”
“Well,” he said rather weakly. “I’m back again.”

Albus Dumbledore & Gellert Grindelwald

From: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Friend Type: Conspiratorial


✿ Assuming this is the version of the boys during the summer they spent together.
✿ Young, powerful, intelligent: the perfect trifecta.
✿ Have the best philosophical debates.
✿ Plan world domination, like you do.
✿ I’m cool with being a third wheel.
✿ Clearly need someone to stabilize their powder keg of ambition.
✿ Yeah, sure, we could subjugate Muggles and start a great war, buuuut … doesn’t unlocking the secrets of magic and science sound more fun instead?

Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.


From: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Friend Type: Your Highness


✿ A prince trying to be worthy of his people. Be still, my heart!
✿ Top-notch problem-solver and strategist.
✿ Clearly loves to learn.
✿ Driven by an insanely pure and unnatural desire to want to help others.
✿ All the fun Disney prince jokes I can make at his expense.
✿ Can totally teach me rune magic.

“They tried boiling books, but that didn’t work very well.”
“I’m surprised they haven’t tried boiling one another.”
“Oh, it’s been tried,” Galladon said. “Fortunately. something happens to us during the Shaod—apparently the flesh of a dead man doesn’t taste too good. Kolo? In fact, it’s so violently bitter that no one can keep it down.”
“It’s nice to see that cannibalism has been so logically ruled out as an option,” Raoden said dryly.

The Thunderhead

From: Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman
Friend Type: Artificial


✿ Knows all the things. Could maybe teach me one or two.
✿ Fun philosophical conversations.
✿ Guaranteed to have a meltdown. I want front-row tickets.
✿ Still has things to learn. Maybe I could teach it.
✿ Always nice to have powerful allies. Just in case.
✿ AI’s just make life easier. Until they take over the world.

Yet am I not quantifiably more benevolent than the various versions of God? I have never brought about a flood, or destroyed entire cities as punishment for their iniquity. I have never sent armies to conquer in my name. In fact, I have never killed, or even harmed a single human being. Therefore, although I do not require devotion, am I not deserving of it?

Jillian Toth

From: Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
Friend Type: Dr. Cryptid


✿ Sticks to her convictions. Admirably so.
✿ Not only believes in cryptids, but can science about them, too.
✿ Also smart enough to know not to go toe-to-toe with them.
✿ Knows lots of cool things.
✿ Sarcasm a-plenty, but she’s earned it.
✿ Doesn’t panic in stressful situations.
✿ Would probably be hella fun to drink with.

Jillian opened the fridge next to her filing cabinets, withdrawing a bottle of violently red liquid.
“Are you planning to leave like a nice little corporate shill, or do you need me to contact security? Because I’d love to contact security. You never need to get me another birthday present if you make me contact security.”
“You’ve returned every birthday present I’ve given you in seven years.”
“I wouldn’t return this one. I would treasure it.”

Michi & Jacques

From: Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
Friend Type: Diametrically Opposed


✿ Stand for everything opposite what I do, but with so much fervor that I can respect that.
✿ Know their place in the natural order of things.
✿ Kill for sport, but also realize eventually their prey will kill them. As it should be.
✿ Fully understand the circle of life.
✿ Kind of badass. Definitely zombie plan material.
✿ Scary, but in a good way. I could have fun with this.

“Now, Michi, what did we say about torturing the hired help?”
“That it’s damned funny, and I’m not going to stop unless I’m given a solid reason to do so.”
The man opened his mouth like he was going to say something. Then he stopped and grinned. “Oh, right,” he said. “That’s exactly what we said. Let’s go meet the locals.”


From: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Friend Type: Angelic


✿ Was issued a flaming sword. Could come in handy.
✿ Wings > no wings.
✿ Absolutely adorable ball of fluff.
✿ Owns a bookshop that he’d probably let me just, like, sit in and absorb the words.
✿ Would always be down for getting a cuppa.
✿ Must have some fantastic stories. One or two, at least.

Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide.

Jupiter North

From: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
Friend Type: Whimsical


✿ Lives in the most whimsical, fantastic place.
✿ Has an awesome sense of humor.
✿ Clearly good with kids.
✿ Always on some fun, potentially slightly life-threatening adventure.
✿ Knows all the best people and animals.
✿ Lives in a super cool hotel that I would visit forever.

“Your mate with the toads came out earlier, by the way. Said to tell you he got through to the next trial, and that you’d better get through too, or else. Then he and Nan Dawson had to rush off to a dragonrider training session, and I had to pretend not to be completely jealous of an eleven-year-old boy who gets to ride dragons.”

Chat With Me

What are some characters you’d love to be friends with? Do we have any in common? If you’ve got a TTT post, drop the link below.

48 responses to “Characters Who Should Be My BFFs

  1. lydiaschoch

    I have the SAME reaction to certain characters. They’re so wonderful. It truly isn’t fair that they don’t (or didn’t, for historical novels) exist in our world.

    Honestly, I’d be a little intimidated by Albus and Gellert at first. If they liked me, I’d sure want to do all sorts of friend stuff with them, though! That would be delightful.

    My TTT.

    • Really, all we need to do is make Charley real, and he’d solve all our problems by making the others real. See? Simple. xD

      I can definitely see how they’d make an intimidating couple. But I have no shame and would totally insert myself lol.

    • Magic! *waves hands mystically*

      I assume you mean the font on the character names? I added the Easy Google Fonts plugin, and then I just created a new h1 class (Settings > Google Fonts after you’ve installed the plugin). There are probably easier ways to do it, because I have to insert custom HTML for all the headings, but that’s easy for me so no big deal, and I can pick and choose when to use it without messing with the other headings.

        • If you don’t know CSS, Easy Google Fonts plugin has an easier way. I can go to customize my layout and under default typography, I can change all 6 of the heading tags to different fonts, sizes, etc. That lets you use all the Google Fonts for those. I’ve used those, too, to make my heading fonts different.

          • It’s a plugin for WordPress, not your browser. But if you’re using a site instead of a hosted one, I don’t think you can install plugins on your site? I don’t remember. It’s been so long. D: I’d recommend googling your website platform and plugins and see if you can put WordPress plugins on your blog. 🙂

  2. I saw Jillian from into the drowning deep and said YES. she is an absolute amazing character and so strong and smart. I loved her.

    and also hell yes to dumbledore and grindewald. I love your list.

    • Thank you! I loved how chill Jillian was as things hit the fan. She was just like, “Well … duh … I told you so.” xD

      I feel like Dumbledore and Grindelwald are so underappreciated. <3 Besides, what 16-year-old doesn't, at some point, dream of taking over something? Pshaw. I'm sure it's fine.

  3. This is such an awesome list Sammie 😍The Thunderhead as a bestie would be so super interesting and I think a little intense! But yeah, talk about having all powerful besties (as long as I don’t die in the take over, y’know) 😂I love that you included AI’s in this list too!

    • Right?! I’d sort of also love to hang out with the horsemen, just for a couple hours, maybe, because they seem fun. Though, I think I’d be afraid to get them all in one place together again, so maybe I’d have to do separate coffee dates with each. xD

    • NEVER? Never’s a pretty dang long time. D: I should show you a picture of my TBR bookcase. xD I like to think it’s organized in the theme of “ADHD Chaos.”

        • You did it backwards! Although, I a dirty hypocrite, because I was only halfway through the book when the show released and couldn’t wait, either, so … oops? xD I was actually impressed at how well the show did with sticking to the source material. There are a few changes, some I liked better and some I didn’t. But I thought they got a pretty awesome cast.

    • Thanks! Theo sure is a treasure. That’s the only thing I think I’m disappointed in about the actual series, is that Luke and Theo weren’t even a fraction as entertaining and interesting. xD

  4. I absolutely love how you’ve classified them under “friend type” and reasons! I haven’t read a number of these books yet so learning about these characters like this make it easier to know whether I would like them. Theodora sounds like my kind of friend haha except the scary stuff. No can do I will not survive. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Thanks! I had a lot of fun with it. Oh, but it’s just Hill House. Pffft, what’s the worst that could happen? I’m sure it’ll be fiiiiine. 😛

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