May Beacon Book Box Unboxing || My First Book Box (Spoilers … Duh)

Posted June 11, 2020 by Sammie in unboxing / 14 Comments

I’ve been seeing people talking about book boxes for a while now, and I finally broke down and got my very first book box.

But there’s a little bit of a story here. Technically, I ordered a book box that was supposed to have Elysium Girls in it, because I just really freaking wanted that book, and the box sounded amazing, with some of my favorite fandoms. Unfortunately, the company up and ghosted with no word or notice about what was going on, so … that didn’t work. It was meant to be a Mother’s Day gift from Minion, so she was very disappointed, and I promised her we’d find another.

Then I learned that Beacon Book Box got more boxes in stock, and it was for a book that I also wanted (I think you’ll be able to tell why when you see it), so I jumped on it!

Right off the bat, before we get going, I want to apologize for the picture quality. My picture-taking space has imploded currently, as we’re completely redoing the room and moving things in and out.

That room also happens to be the only place in my house to get even a teensy bit of natural light, so … ugh. I did what I could.

Also, my husband, bless his heart, threw away the card that tells me what everything is while he was cleaning, so … lesson learned on my part. I apologize that I can’t tell you what fandom most of these things are from because of that. He’s a dork, but I don’t want to discourage him from cleaning.

Heart Divider

May’s theme was …

a fight for the throne.

First impressions:

Me: What do you think is in the box?
Minion: I dunno. Some papers and a book?
Me: … well, yes, I’d say a book is a pretty good guess, since it’s a book box.

Heart Divider

Me: Oh, great, I needed a mousepad!
Minion: Don’t you already have one?
Me: … no?
Minion: *look of horror intensifies*

The picture doesn’t do this mousepad justice. It’s really quite pretty. The quote says, “You don’t need to be gifted with a blade. You are your own best weapon,” which is from The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski. Never heard of the book, but I sure do love the quote! Also, I feel like swords and flowers fits my general aesthetic nicely and totally goes with everything else on my desk.

Heart Divider

Minion: I have one of those! *points to the eye mask*
Me: Yes, you do.
Minion: Actually, two of them. But you won’t use it.
Me: No, probably not.
Minion: *walks away with it before I can say anything else*

The other thing is really neat. It’s one of those multi-purpose cloths that you can wear a bunch of different ways, and best of all? Totally doubles as a mask. The drawback is it’s really freaking hot. Assuming Coronavirus is still a thing in the fall (which I foresee it will be), I’ll probably wear it more often then, because I love the bookishness of it, and it seems perfect for the library. :3

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Minion: What is it?
Me: A glass ornament!
Minion: … the cats are going to break that.
Me: Yeeeah, how about we put it somewhere safe?
Minion: *reaches for it*
Me: NO! You don’t get to run off with this one. *spirits it away*

This one’s inspired by Three Dark Crowns, and it is a very pretty ornament. Unfortunately, in my house, it’s a very pretty shelf decoration, because as Minion pointed out, between the cats and the dogs (and if we’re honest, a little bit her), it’s bound to be destroyed anywhere else.

Heart Divider

Six of Crow character caaards! The art style isn’t one I’d normally have picked for myself, which I kind of like. It’s something different, and it’s definitely gorgeous. I have a really hard time picturing characters, so I love seeing other people’s renditions of them. I love Kaz’s card, but my favorites are definitely Jasper and Wylan. I think they nicely capture the characters’ personalities (and they were definitely two of my favorites).

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And the book was …

I feel like it’s kind of obvious why I wanted this book. I mean, not only have I heard great things about it, but the word DRAGON is very prominently right there, AND it has sharp, stabby things on the cover. Dragons + stabby things sums up my entire life.

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Minion immediately ran off with the wildflowers to plan where she was going to plant them. The card in the back also says, “We each survive in our own way,” and on the back was a chocolate cake recipe, which I was immediately informed we needed to cook. I mean, it does sound delicious.

Final impressions:

Me: So what’d you think of the book box?
Minion: I liked it.
Me: What was your favorite thing?
Minion: The seeds and the mousepad.
Me: Are we going to do this again?
Minion: Yes!
Me: How about next month?
Minion: Uhhh …
Me: I got you a three-month subscription to OwlCrate Junior for the summer.
Minion: *silent flailing*

So stay tuned, guys. We’ll be back with Minion’s book boxes next time.

Heart Divider
Stay Fierce, Sammie

14 responses to “May Beacon Book Box Unboxing || My First Book Box (Spoilers … Duh)

  1. What a fun book box–looks like you got a bunch of cute and fun things! And omg, The Winner’s Kiss! That’s the final book of The Winner’s Trilogy which is such an amazing series. If you love fantastical political intrigue books, I highly recommend! (I def need to reread them some day soon)

    And you buying a book involving dragons?!? What a shocker! 😉 I’ve seen that one popping up here and there, so I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it!
    Happy reading (and planting & baking)!
    Keri @ Are You My Book? recently posted…May Wrap-Up: Birthday Month, Officially Graduated College, and Moved Back HomeMy Profile

  2. I hope you enjoy your goodies, Sammie 🙂 I have been umming and ahhing over whether to sign up for a book box subscription from the Teatime Bookshop, where you can get a box of 1-4 books and luxury tea and biscuits 😋

    • Thank you! I’d never heard of them, but oh gosh, that sounds fabulous! I’d highly recommend doing it at least once. Will I subscribe to a book box ever? Probably not, because I see them largely as a waste of money (since I usually only care about the books and not so much the “trinkets”). But there’s nothing quite like having the experience at least once. It was definitely fun, and I think I’d buy another box here and there when I see something that looks good!

    • I totally recommend it! Even if you just do it once. I’m glad I did, even though it was more than I wanted to spend, because it was just a ton of fun. Plus, it’s nice to be able to see what all the fuss is about. 😉

    • Thanks! I’m sure she will. At first, when I told her I’d got her a book box, she rolled her eyes and groaned (she is NOT a willing reader). But after I showed her pictures of past boxes, she was mad it wasn’t here now and keeps bugging me about when the first one will come. xD

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