This month has been such an utter roller coaster ride that I can’t even tell you if it was good or bad or if I dreamt it all.
I don’t think anyone predicted that 2020 would turn out the way it has on a global level, but even on a personal level, man, I didn’t expect any of this. I’m not even going to talk about everything that happened this month, but needless to say, it’s been stressful.
So let’s get on with it, shall we?
- Hubby and I celebrated our 11th anniversary. We didn’t actually do anything for it, because 11 years ago, we vowed to be with each other until we died, and that’s hopefully another 30 – 40 years, so really, we’ve got a loooong way to go. This is more of a marathon than a sprint. So we just said happy anniversary and then gamed all day. You know, like a proper couple.
- My good friend (and also assistant director of the library I work at) was in a car accident and passed away. Obviously, this was out of the blue, and it absolutely destroyed … well, everybody. She was such an active member in the community, helped everyone, loved everyone, and was so beloved. It’s still so hard to believe she’s gone. I really want to thank all the wonderful people in the bookish community on Twitter who reached out to me, though (and especially Annemieke, who sent me adorable GIFs until I felt better).
- I officially have a book coming out in 2021 with an Indie publisher! I can give you exactly none of the details yet … well, except for what I just said. Needless to say, I am so freaking excited and can’t wait to have people read my book. But also, people are going to read my book and I need, like, two weeks to go hide in the woods because the thought is terrifying. Will definitely be updating y’all when this progresses and I can actually give some sort of details!
- I did my first author interview on this blog, and it was with T.J. Klune! In case you haven’t heard me shout about it enough, he wrote these little books called The House in the Cerulean Sea and The Extraordinaries. Being able to make author interviews a regular thing on this blog was one of my goals for 2020, and I was super nervous, but I love how this first one turned out! I’ve got another two author interviews coming up in the next few months that I’m really excited to share with you!
- I’m working on a diverse book drive for my library! Keep an eye out for more news about this on my blog. I meet with my director next week to hash out the details. I’m super excited about this, because it’s something I believe whole-heartedly in, and the county we live in is majority white with a high poverty rate, so sometimes they don’t get to travel and see other people’s cultures and experiences. I’ve had some of my older friends (50-ish) tell me they hadn’t even seen a black person until they were 18 and finally left the county. That’s not the case anymore, as the county is slowly diversifying, but there remains a lack of diverse books in the library. Even that’s getting better since I started working there, since I go over the catalogs and recommend MG and YA books I think we should buy, but we still have a lot of work to do, and with budgets being cut next year, it’s basically postponed for now. So … a drive, yes. More details to come, but I’m super excited about it!
Now that that’s over, let’s get on with the books! Which will be as much of a surprise for me as it is for you, I’m sure, because I … have no idea what even went on this month. I don’t know. I just need to sleep for about a week at this point.
#AmReading Update

DNFs: 1

- [6 Jul] Night of the Dragon (Shadow of the Fox, #3) by Julie Kagawa ★★★★
- [9 Jul] The Faith Machine by Tone Milazzo ★★★★
- [13 Jul] The Extraordinaries (The Extraordinaries, #1) by T.J. Klune ★★★★★
- [16 Jul] Random Sh*t Flying Through the Air (The Frost Files, #2) by Jackson Ford ★★★★★
- [18 Jul] Knightmare Arcanist (Frith Chronicles, #1) by Shami Stovall ★★★★★
- [19 Jul] The Ship of Shadows by Maria Kuzniar ★★★
- [21 Jul] This Is My America by Kim Johnson ★★★★★
- [27 Jul] The Jumbies (The Jumbies #1) by Tracey Baptiste ★★★★★
- [27 Jul] The Mulberry Tree by Allison Rushby ★★★★
- [27 Jul] Raiders of the Lost Archives by Michael Dahl, Patricio Clarey ★★★★
Discussion Posts
- [4 Jul] What Makes A Book YA? (Let’s Talk Bookish)
- [11 Jul] In the Age of #OwnVoices, Where Do Biracial Voices Fit In?
- [23 Jul] Why I Love Participating in Blog Tours (Spoiler Alert: Books Are Involved)
- [25 Jul] Our Responsibilities As Bloggers and Readers || Let’s Talk Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday
- [14 Jul] Dark Fantasies For Dark Times (Ft. 10 Reasons to be Grateful)
- [21 Jul] Books Hubby Forced Me To Read (Because Sometimes He Gets Me)
- [28 Jul] If You Like This, Read That || Hyped Book Edition
WWW Wednesday
- [1 Jul] WWW Wednesday (July 1, 2020)
- [8 Jul] WWW Wednesday (July 8, 2020)
- [15 Jul] WWW Wednesday (July 15, 2020)
- [22 Jul] WWW Wednesday (July 22, 2020)
- [29 Jul] WWW Wednesday (July 29, 2020)
First Line Friday
- [3 Jul] First Line Friday 56 || Welcome to ESPionage
- [10 Jul] First Line Friday 56 || Librarians That Slay
- [17 Jul] First Line Friday 56 || All The Mythical Creatures
- [24 Jul] First Line Friday 56 || Spooky, Daughter-Stealing Tree, FTW
- [31 Jul] First Line Friday 56 || La Llorona
Other Posts
- Author Interview With T.J. Klune || On Queer Superheroes, ADHD, Fanfiction, and … Bear-Man!
- June OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Minion’s First Book Box
- 2020 Book Blogger Awards Nominations
- July OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Lost in a Book
Blogger Post Love
Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:β¦ Belle @ Belle Can Read talks about the pros and cons of starting a YouTube channel.
β¦ Koo @ itsKoo Reviews gives a thorough, thoughtful review of The Girl and the Ghost.
β¦ Briana @ Pages Unbound talks about whether we should hype books we haven’t read yet, and Krysta @ Pages Unbound talks about why she doesn’t really care about star ratings.
β¦ Cait @ PaperFury provides us a list of YA books with disabled characters. She also did a fabulously helpful post about how to edit book covers into Bookstagram photos.
β¦ Emma @ Never Judge A Book By Its Cover gives some fantastic tips for requesting ARCs to celebrate eight years of blogging.
β¦ Noly @ The Artsy Reader did an interview with Maria Kuzniar, author of The Ship of Shadows.
β¦ Andrew @ On My Bookshelf provides 10 very on point reasons for why he loves The Write Reads. After you give that post a read, definitely check out The Write Reads on Twitter.
Twitter Fun
Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.Friendly PSA for the #bookblogger community:
β Sammie (@srbetler) July 10, 2020
You can’t purport to support ownvoices authors & bloggers while simultaneously passive aggressively attempting to tear down those same bloggers, ’cause that’s not how it works. Being an ally doesn’t mean when it’s convenient for you.
#amreading the newest Frost Files book by @realjacksonford and I am IN LOVE. π 30% in and we’ve got a spy who’s bad at being a spy and a rich guy who’s bad at being rich. Am I supposed to ship this? Because I totally do. Someone tell me I’m not alone. π
β Sammie (@srbetler) July 9, 2020
I’m always so impressed by people who can participate in things like No-Request June, but I feel like that’s so unrealistic for me. I need more tailored monthly challenges. Something like Don’t Kid Yourself July and Sleep is For The Weak August.#amreading #netgalley #bookblogger
β Sammie (@srbetler) July 6, 2020
Instagram Fun
Not following me on Instagram? Maybe you should.

I can’t wait to read your book, Sammie!
I also really need to read Jackson Ford’s newest book – the first was so awesome.
I’ve been working on more a more diverse and up to date teen section at my library since I’ve been there as well. Same goes for the adult fantasy and sci-fi section.
Thanks! You totally do need to read it! I’m already dying for the third Jackson Ford book now. xD
I love it! I’m so glad to see more people making this push!
YOU HAVE A BOOK COMING OUT????π±π± SAMMIE!!!! Omg!! Iβm so excited!!! Also thank you so much for sharing my interviewπ₯°β€οΈ
I doooo. I’m so excited, but also there’s still so much work to be done,
Congratulations! I can’t wait to hear more about your book π
Thanks so much!
Wow, so much bad and good news in one post, my head is spinning. First, my condolences to you regarding your work friend, I’m so sorryπ₯ But you have a book coming out?? When did that happen? How do you even have time to write, you’re blogging all the time!
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…What’s On My Plate – August 2020
Yeah, it’s been absolutely bonkers. Thank you for the condolences.
I signed the contract last week! Lots of human sacrifices and very little sleep. I mean … gosh, I don’t know why people in the area are going missing. *backs away slowly*
Happy anniversary and congrats on your book! I can’t wait to hear more about it! I’m also sorry for your loss.
Ren Strange recently posted…July 2020 Reading Wrap-Up
Thank you!
OMG! Congrats on the book deal!!!!
I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s passing, I hope you and the library team were able to grieve together somehow in these weird pandemic times.
But it looks like you had a good reading month in July! Here’s to a good August.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Reading Wrap-Up: July 2020
Thank youuu! I’m excited.
We were. We attended the funeral virtually together (since social distancing, you know). The whole community was able to grieve together, since it seemed like she touched everyone’s lives, so it was nice to have all that support and to see her legacy.
Congratulations on your 11th anniversary and your upcoming book! Canβt wait to hear more about your book! Iβd also like to extend my condolences for the loss of your friend. We wish you and her family peace during this time.
Thanks so much!
It seems this month has definitely been both a great and trying time for you – no wonder it doesn’t seem real. Congratulations on your book deal! I wish you the best of luck with everything around it, and I can’t wait to hear more. Happy anniversary to you two as well! I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, but I hope it brings/brought the community closer together and that you are all able to honor her memory and find comfort in each other.
Holliehocks @ My Thing About Books recently posted…July Wrap Up
Thanks so much! I’m looking forward to being able to share more about it in time. π
We were, thank you! She was loved by so many, and it was nice being able to see everyone honoring her memory and sharing their favorite memories of her.
Wow, what a roller coaster!! I’m so sorry about your loss. What a terrible loss for you all. <3 Also, Happy Anniversary! We didn't do anything for ours this month. We did order from a fancier restaurant for take out but that's it. It's also a marathon.. hehe.. π CONGRATS on your book!!! That's absolutely amazing!! I can't wait to read it. π I hope that August is a much more calmer month for you. <3
Leslie recently posted…July Wrap Up!
Thank you. Take-out from a fancier restaurant sounds perfect to me. xD We might’ve done that if we were closer to anything, but we were too lazy to drive the 30-ish minutes to get food from anywhere we might have wanted haha. So laziness won out. You shouldn’t have to drive on your anniversary, darn it. xD Let alone have to put proper pants on.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))
Freda Mans-Labianca recently posted…July Monthly News
Thank you. <3
Sounds like a month with a ton of highs and lows. Congrats on the book deal! Hope your August is spectacular. π
Lisa @ waytoofantasy recently posted…The Sunday Post #38
Thank you!
That’s so awesome that you’re writing a book!!! Congratulations ππ€
Julie Anna recently posted…Review: Daughters of Smoke and Fire by Ava Homa
Thank you so much!
Congratulations on your anniversary and the book! However so very sad to hear about your friend passing. No wonder it has been a rollercoaster of a month for you. Sending you love, prayers and virtual hugs! π
jessicabookworm recently posted…Sunday Reflection | 2nd August 2020
Thank you so much. <3 I'm ready to get off the roller coaster now, though. xD August has been looking up, at least.
I am so sorry for your loss. I really hope August is going to be a better month! Congrats for your anniversary and for having your book coming out in 2021!
Thanks so much! August has definitely been better so far (though July set a pretty low bar LOL).
Oh my. You have had A MONTH. First of all, I’m so very sorry about your coworker. That must be so hard. I hope you and your fellow coworkers can comfort each other.
You’re publishing a book??? That is amazing news! I can’t wait to read it! <3
Dedra @ A Book Wanderer recently posted…July 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Thank you. And I can’t wait to be able to share more about it. <3
Wowow, I’m so happy for you and everything that you’ve got going on because you are absolutely SLAYING it, Sammie!!! Gaming for your anniversary sounds amaze and A BOOK!!! Must has plz. But I’m also so sorry for your loss π That sounds horrible. I hope you and your library co-workers are staying strong and supporting each other π Big hugs to you and I hope August goes on the up for you all!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…Sundays in Bed Withβ¦ #MyWeeklyWrapUp
Thank you. We’re hanging in there. The dynamics at work are a little weird and we’re all trying to pick things up as we can to fill in. It’ll take a while, but we’re getting there, and thankfully, we were all already close so coming together was easier.
And now for a total 180, YES, A BOOK! Ahhhh. I don’t know what’s happening, but I have so many emotions. Also, gaming is always a win in my book. (Speaking of which, are you still at it with Animal Crossing, or have you moved on? haha).
Thank you for linking to my post!π₯°π I so appreciate it! But my heart breaks for you about your friend. I’m so sorry that happened. 2020 has been immensely harsh. (Congrats on your upcoming book though too!!)
CG @ Paper Fury recently posted…[Blog Tour] The Genesis Of Seven by Sara M. Schaller β Angels, Satan, and a Confused Boy Collide
Thank you! 2020 has been all the post-apocalyptic books we’ve loved and didn’t realize were prophetical. Except, like, 8.4. Wait … did I just jinx us?!
You are welcome love. I’m always here for you <3
But wow so much congrats on the book being released. I can't wait for it! And the diverse book drive sounds awesome too.
Thank you! There’s so many exciting things happening all at once that I just don’t know how to process it right now. xD
You weren’t kidding about being a good AND bad July, Sammie. Congrats about the book and 11 years of marriage but so sorry about the tragic death of your friend. {hugs}
I hope August is a more even-keeled month, being great, of course. x
Flora recently posted…Friday Finds: Championing Diversity. Plus Book Blogger Hop
It was definitely a month haha. Thanks so much. August is looking better already, for sure!